Finding the time

January 30, 2012 AdventureLisa 0

Having children while maintaining a multisport lifestyle can be like juggling shoes, while riding a bike and holding a paddle. There are ways to overcome […]

AR into life

September 9, 2011 AdventureLisa 1

I really, really struggle to keep on top of training. I’m mostly consistent but I do not often fit in as much as I’d like to. And how much would enough be? How long, indeed, is a piece of string? I especially battle to maintain a balance of training in adventure racing’s three fundamental disciplines: running, biking and paddling. The scales shift constantly with lots of this and too little (or none!) of that.

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Trekking Decider

December 20, 2009 AdventureLisa 0

Trekking is one of adventure racing’s foundation disciplines and it is arguably the one that should be given the highest respect.  Strengthening of your feet, […]

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S t r e t c h i n g

December 20, 2009 AdventureLisa 0

We run. We mountain bike. We paddle. But, do we all stretch? It’s the one training essential, like navigation, that is sorely neglected and should be considered an activity on its own, one that is incorporated into each and every training session. Just consider the benefits…

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Proprioception and Balance

December 20, 2009 AdventureLisa 0

As anyone who has sustained a foot injury can tell you, building up your nervous and muscular responses, the most important part of your recovery program, is what literally gets you back on your feet. Proprioception refers to the connection between the brain and every structure in the body.

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Running 101

December 20, 2009 AdventureLisa 0

While proportionally trekking sections do not make up the majority of the race distance, you’re likely to spend a good chunk of your time on your feet. And, it’s these ‘foot’ sections that have defeated the world’s most experienced teams and athletes.