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November 11, 2010 AdventureLisa 7

In the sport of adventure racing, the discipline of mountain biking is a distance gobbler. You can be assured that at least, if not two-thirds, of the course distance will be covered on two-wheels, whether a 25km sprint or 800km expedition race.

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Bike tow rope system

April 2, 2010 AdventureLisa 3

The purpose of a bike tow system is to assist slower and fatigued teammates; faster riders slow down and slower riders speed up such that the team’s overall speed increases. Towing systems are usually anchored to the seat post of the stronger rider’s bike (tower) and attached to the front of the weaker rider’s bike (towee).

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Mountain Bike Setup for Girls

December 20, 2009 AdventureLisa 0

The BIGGEST frustration in AR for the guys on the team is usually the inability of the girl in the team to manage a MTB performance that comes close to the rock-hopping feats or death defying descents that the boys manage – I can think of more than one team that falls short (temporarily) of the 50(0) m rule on a good downhill.

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Bike Brakes

December 20, 2009 AdventureLisa 2

A bicycle must perform three basic functions, namely: Drive the wheels forward; influence its direction of movement; and slow down. Virtually all bikes perform these functions in essentially the same manner. Pedals, chains, and gears allow force to be applied to the rear wheel.