Outdoor Race World Tour Info

*Please note that this PR is translated, therefore, may have some grammatical errors

The Outdoor Race World Tour TM compile in a unique circuit several events of adventure racing, ultra trail running and long distance mountain biking events.

10 events representing 5 continents will be on 2017 edition.

“Outdoor Race World Tour TM will be the first individual ranking of adventure racing and open a new opportunity to outdoor runners to fight for a world ranking.“

(Dani Buyo CEO-co founder of ORWTTM)

The ORWT TM 2017/2018 will be composed of next events:

Confirmed events:

Transmarocaine (Morocco 17 to 24 March 2017)

Raid Gallaecia Couples ( Galicia Galicia – 7-14 May 2017 )

Corsica Raid Adventure Corsica ( 2 – 7 June 2017)

Sin City Adventure Challenge Las Vegas ( U.S. September 1-4, 2017 )

Raid International Gaspesie ( Canada 8 – 11 September 2017 )

De Sol a Sol ( Uruguay september 15, 16 y 17 )

WildSide Expedition Race ( Australia )

La Ruta Madre Expedition Race ( Mexico 18-20 November 2017)

Outdoor Race Costa Rica ( Costa Rica October 2017 )

AndesWild RAID ( Argentina 17 AL 24 de February 2018 )

Ultra Trail Tarragona UTTGN, ( October 2017 )

*1 Waiting final confirmation for 2017/2018

La Mision Race ( Argentina ) *1

Himalayan Challenge AR ( India ) *1

Outdoor Race ( Sud Africa ) *1

IronBound Series 11 ( Malaysia ) *1

Outdoor Race Japan ( Japan ) *1

Outdoor Race Bolivia ( Bolivia October 2018 )*1

And More !! *1

-Finding the best adventure racer of the world:

The ranking system, give points to all team members participants individually, then even when they change team members or run individually in an ultra trail event collect points for the final ranking.

There will be different level events: Expedition events (+400 km) give 1,500 points, Adventure Races or multiple day run/bike events give 1,000 points; and Ultra trail races or one day races give 500 points. Previous amount of points are for winners and then next ranked obtain a proportional part pending of time distance to the winner. Then there are points for all participants of the events and they are on the ORWT rank as soon as finish one event.

“Media coverage will be the main goal of ORWT TM reaching the maximum audience in online and traditional specialised media. “ (German Cuevas CEO Deputy-co founder of ORWTTM)

Social Media will be the strong bet of ORWTTM offering when the technology allows live streaming, news reports and runner interviews during the tour events.

“This is medium term project and we expect during next three years to put again outdoor races on the media, specially in online media platforms. Since Discovery Channel finish Eco Challenge broadcast, notorious of Outdoor / Adventure racing go down, now ultra trail runners fight with adventure runners and mountain biking riders on the same rank to reach the Best Adventure Racer of the World.” (Dani Buyo CEO-co founder of ORWTTM)
