In his most recent blog post, foot-care guru John Vonhof, neatly summarises 12 key points about foot care. He wrote this the week before heading off to tend to feet at the Western States 100. John’s points apply as much to 100-milers as to adventure races.
Every year I am amazed at the number of runners who are ill prepared. They put extra socks in their drop bags – that have holes in them. The have open Athletes foot sores between their toes. Their shoes are shot and should have been replaced. They have not done good toenail care. They have thick calluses. They start the race with old unhealed blisters. Their shoes don’t fit. They wear full-length compression socks and then are amazed when we can’t get them off at the aid station to work on their feet. Tight fitting compression socks may feel good but are almost impossible to get off and even worse to get back on over patched feet.
Read John’s post on his Fixing Your Feet blog and definitely consider a copy of his book, Fixing Your Feet, for your Kindle or bookcase (I’ve got the 3rd edition in print and the 5th edition on my Kindle).