Expedition Africa mosaics for Community Project

Media Release by Trystan Haynes | The Garden Route, known locally as the “Home of Adventure” will host Expedition Africa 2016. Teams from all over the world will arrive in less than six weeks to take on this team challenge of mountain biking, trekking, orienteering, kloofing, kayaking and abseiling in the picturesque Garden Route.


Organisers; Heidi and Stephan Muller have always ensured the local community benefits from their Expedition Africa events, and this year the Bursary Fund for Children of the local Non-Profit Organisation Masithandane has been chosen.  Masithandane is a registered Non-Profit Organisation No. 052-253 & Public Benefit Organisation No. 930025275 and has been working in the area for 10 years.  The Bursary Fund is used to assist families in need with transport costs to school, school fees and uniforms.

According to Jacky Weaver of the Masithandane Fund, “there are no High Schools in the area, and no public transport systems in place for children living in Sedgefield and its outlying rural area.” The majority of the Greater Sedgefield Area’s population is located in formal and informal settlements away from infrastructure, services and employment opportunities.

“The Bursary fund is a preventative measure needed to prevent high school drop-outs, teenage pregnancy, crime, drug abuse and the dangers associated with hitch-hiking” shares Weaver.

“Expedition Africa is more than just an adventure race; it’s about changing lives!! This type of event will change the lives of not only the competitor; but also affect every person who is part of this event and ultimately give back to the Community. It’s about making amazing memories and leaving a legacy behind” expresses Heidi Muller of Kinetic Events. Kinetic Events have aligned this year’s Expedition Africa with the Masithandane organisation to create a Mosaic Landmark showcasing this year’s exciting event.

“Mosaic Village & Outdoor Market is proud to host the Expedition Africa 2016 participants. We are honoured to be chosen to provide the backdrop for the mosaic masterpiece that will be crafted as a memory for the community project” shares Cliff Elion, owner of the Mosaic Village and Outdoor Market.

According to Greg Vogt of Knysna & Partners, “one of the goals of hosting the event in the Garden Route was to establish and cement the claim that this region is the Home of Adventure within the Western Cape. ”

The 53 participating teams will unite the day before their Expedition Africa adventure begins; creating a master piece that will feature the legacy of each individual taking part in this year’s Expedition Africa and their representing countries. Teams will be given the necessary tools and equipment to develop a mosaic creation on a tile that will feature for years to come at the famous Sedgefield market, celebrating Expedition Africa 2016.

“We are delighted that the local community will benefit from this international event taking place within the true home of adventure, and look forward to witnessing  the organisations success in  reaching their fundraising objectives” shares Greg Vogt of Knysna & Partners.

The contribution towards the project required is a minimum of R1500.00 per tile.  Local underprivileged children and artists will have an interactive team experience on the 14th May 2016 creating 53 unique tiles that will form this master piece.  Moreover this project will contribute to the Masithandane Bursary Fund for children and help generate income for ten local mosaic’ists and their families, and further support economic opportunities for local business.

Teams participating in this year’s Expedition Africa are encouraged to spread the word to families, supporters and sponsors to support this worthy cause. Contributors will have their names engraved into the mosaic master piece, meaning their names will also live forever in Sedgefield, Western Cape, South Africa for years and years to come; celebrating 2016’s Expedition Africa’s Adventure Race.

The Garden Route is rich with resources when it comes to the natural beauty of the Knysna Heads, the tranquil forests and still lakes and rivers leading to the rolling ocean. This is the perfect opportunity to appreciate and uplift the local communities of this beautiful land by investing in their education, culture, fellowship and upliftment.

Help change lives with this year’s Expedition Africa, make your contribution, make your change!

Expedition Africa Mosaic for Change Community Project 2016:

 Expedition Africa teams will cycle from their Host Venue; Pine Lake Marina to the Mosaic Village & Outdoor Market, Sedgefield. Family and friends are welcome to witness and experience this project at the Mosaic Village & Outdoor Market.

Date: Saturday, 14 May 2016

Time: 12h00

Venue:  Mosaic Village & Outdoor Market, Sedgefield

Beneficiary: Masithandane Bursary Fund for Children

www.masithandane.org           www.facebook.com/Masithandane

Contact: Heidi Muller (heidi@kineticgear.co.za) if you would like to get more involved with this event, eg: sponsoring toward Branded T Shirts, food packs etc.

Contact: Jacky Weaver (weaverjacky@gmail.com) for banking details. As a contributor/sponsor, your name will be engraved into the Expedition Africa Mosaic Landmark. Certificate to RSA Businesses will be given for Tax benefit.

Expedition Africa 500km Adventure Race 2016

Date: Sunday, 15 May 2016

Start Time: 08h00

Venue:  To be announced at the Opening Ceremony on Friday, 13 May 2016

Live Tracking: www.expafrica.live

Host Venue: Pine Lake Marina www.pinelakemarina.co.za

Note: All local families and supporters are welcome to attend the start of the event.

Words by Trystan Haynes