Expedition Africa evening at AR Club

Before Heidi and Stephan set off for the wilds of Swaziland, we’ve got them for an AR Club evening where they will happily answer your questions about expedition racing, preparation, kit, food, foot care and anything else you’re curious about.

expafrica logoThey’re not going to give anything away about the Expedition Africa route, so don’t even ask.

Answers to all questions asked will be sent to all entered teams too so if you’re not in Gauteng you won’t miss out.

Date: Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Time: 18h30 for 19h00 start

Venue: Kinetic Gear – cnr North and Rivonia Rds, Rivonia


The Café at Kinetic has a new owner. There are hot and cold beverages, snacks and a nice hot meal (probably a spaghetti bolognaise or similar).

Bring your teammates, questions, notebooks and we’ll see you there.