The teams have left. The banners are down. And my heart, like that of most here, is glad that the race is wrapped with everyone safe and sound; but is also sad to say goodbye to friends old and new. It may be some time before our paths cross again.
The final dinner and prize giving last night was a wonderful evening full of congratulations and appreciation. Congratulations to the teams for coming here and participating; and appreciation to the crew, volunteers, marshals, medics and media for their part in making this event possible and as special as it is.
Many people ask me how doing media here compares to media at other events in other countries. We have far more freedom here to play in the field at all hours of day and night. We know the route, we have vehicles and we delight in ‘hunting’ for teams – my favourite pasttime.
But more than this is that Expedition Africa has a ‘specialness’ about it. Heidi and Stephan go out of their way to bring elements into their race that they have liked, appreciated or wanted at the expedition events that they have participated in. And as fabulous as other events that I’ve been to have been, this race has that extra ‘Heidi and Stephan’ element – which you can’t get anywhere else.
Last night’s celebration was made complete when Team Senseless finished. We’d been watching them on tracking all day and saw them making errors. Knowing that even if we sent a vehicle, Michelle van Reenen wouldn’t have climbed into it. And so we left them to figure it out; they could call if they needed our assistance.
And as starters were being served we saw that they’d corrected and were on the home stretch. Although they missed starters, they were back in time for the shorter queues at the main course buffet.
And so it is that Expedition Africa 2014 has come to a close. Teams are travelling home by plane, bus and car.
I wish them safe travel and, I hope, safe return to Expedition Africa 2015 next year.
A big thank you to all who made it possible for us at home to watch such an amazing race! I don’t have family or close friends racing, but have spent the week following EVERYONE. I sat with the live tracker, leader board and Kinetic FB page open at the same time just to spot updates as and when it happened. I would constantly send links to my friends here in CT who have never done an AR Race with hope that it might inspire them. I don’t think they get what I’m trying to share with them, but they read it anyway :-). I think until you have tried this ‘soul sport’, you will never understand what makes it so special. Thanks again Lisa for sharing snippets all week, photographers for the pictures and those who make live tracker and leader board updates possible. And not without saying, the teams that go out there and do it! You are all amazing!