ExpAfrica @ AR Club, 28 May 2013

We’re talking Expedition Africa at Adventure Racing Club.

Date is set for Tuesday, 28 May for an ExpAfrica-themed AR Club evening at Kinetic with a couple of 20-min talks by participants as well as photos and short videos.

Nic (Cyanosis) will briefly talk about the navigation aspect of the race and give you an insider’s view as to what went down on that final hike. Mac or Ryno (Cyanosis) will tell you about taking a novice through this race.

Shelly (Warriors) – a novice adventure racer – will tell of us her experience. They’re the team that started that last paddle at 03h00 and blitzed it to the finish.

Stijn (Charnas) will give us a bit of a low-down on the Drakensberg, altitude (and the effects thereof), cold, hiking in the Berg, good times to go, maps, mountain passes etc. Teams were reading his reviews of Passes online to decide on their routes for the first hike. He’ll also fill you in on a couple of Drakensberg challenge that may tempt you.

Gonna be fabulous.

Date: Tuesday, 28 May
Time: 18h30 for 19h00 (photos on screen probably from a but after 18h00)
Venue: Kinetic Gear – Exercise and Nutrition Centre, cnr North and Rivonia Roads, Rivonia

Everyone welcome.

See you there,
