Merrell Eden Duo on telly

Broadcast dates and times for the 2010 edition of Merrell Eden Duo are below.

20-Apr-11 20:00 20:30 SS7 Premier
20-Apr-11 20:00 20:30 SS7N Premier
21-Apr-11 11:30 12:00 SS7N Repeat
21-Apr-11 11:30 12:00 SS7 Repeat
22-Apr-11 23:00 23:30 SS6 Repeat
22-Apr-11 23:00 23:30 SS6A Repeat
25-Apr-11 14:00 14:30 SS2A Repeat
25-Apr-11 14:00 14:30 SS2 Repeat
26-Apr-11 17:30 18:00 SS5A Repeat
26-Apr-11 17:30 18:00 SS5 Repeat
26-Apr-11 17:30 18:00 SS5N Repeat
27-Apr-11 18:30 19:00 SS6 Repeat
27-Apr-11 18:30 19:00 SS6A Repeat
29-Apr-11 14:30 15:00 SS5 Repeat
29-Apr-11 14:30 15:00 SS5A Repeat
29-Apr-11 14:30 15:00 SS5N Repeat
2-May-11 11:30 12:00 SS6 Repeat
2-May-11 11:30 12:00 SS6A Repeat
4-May-11 15:00 15:30 SS7 Repeat
4-May-11 15:00 15:30 SS7N Repeat
5-May-11 9:00 9:30 SS6 Repeat
5-May-11 9:00 9:30 SS6A Repeat