Stuff You Need

Where most items you need are readily available from sporting and outdoor retailers, these special goodies are not. AR Mini Gaiters are Lisa’s own tried-and-tested design; and Transport Flags are difficult to find commercially.  And yet, they’re stuff you need.

AR Mini Gaiters
A one-size fits all gaiter designed by Lisa de Speville; she has sewn her own gaiters for years. Finally she’s getting them made for you too. These gaiters prevent sticks, stones, dirt and grass seeds from getting into your shoes, increasing your comfort, minimising the chance of blisters and prolonging the life of your socks. Made from four-way stretch lycra you can expect to get 12-18 months from them.

Price: R125.00

Transport Flag

After suffering the frustration of visits to every hardware store in her area (four of them in a 3km range!) and even an AA store, Lisa realised that these flags are hard to get. One hardware store quoted R495 for a flag they sourced! This flag is 26cmx26cm and made from day-glo orange fabric (net-like), with bright trim and a reflective stripe down the centre. When transporting bikes and boats, hang off the back of your boat or off the end of your bike rack.

Price: R65.00

i-gotU GT-120 GPS logger

This little GPS logger, the i-gotU GT-120 is a fabulous gadget, commonly used in orienteering circles to log tracks as GPS units with screen display are not allowed. I’ve found the i-gotU especially useful for logging my orienteering race tracks as well as recording paddling distances during training sessions. Combined with the open-source orienteering software, QuickRoute, i-gotU becomes an analytical tool.

Price: R590.00