Diamond Dash Results

Full results from Diamond Dash, held Saturday 20 February 2010 in the Cullinan area are now available HERE (Excel, .xlsx. 36KB)

Congratulations to the winners of Diamond Dash. A brief summary is below.


Male:                             points

1st Cyanosis –   4h51  (27)                

2nd Olympus – 5h12  (27)

3rd Kinetic –     6h40  (27)

1st Trio – Team Zonder naam ( Karel Boshoff) 7h18 (27)

2nd Trio – Team Lava 1 7h21   (27)


1st Red Ants – 4h55 (27)

2nd Uncharted – 7h23 (27)

3rd A2A – 5h42    (26)


1st Plaasvars  – 6h14 (19)

2nd Team Steam 6h40 (17)

Novice team winners Kinetic Prize

AR Strategy

Great Pretenders


1st CUL8R 6h48 (25)

2nd Tsanduko

Gijima Ranking (Time/CP)

  1. Cyanosis
  2. Red Ants  (Only 3 minutes behind the super fast male pair)
  3. Olympus
  4. Tri-pod   (Fast  Tri-athletes)
  5. Bosvark (Ons is laat vir die troue, so ons moet gou maak)
  6. A2A  (Still, with one penalty)
  7. MC
  8. Groentjies
  9. Wigates
  10. Tsanduko  (Well done youngsters!!!!!)
  11. Hard day’s night
  12. Knersus
  13. Awesomeness
  14. Gatskuur
  15. Kinetic
  16. AR-1   (Great work for a Novice team)
  17. Wasp
  18. Alligators
  19. Tzaneen Warriors
  20. Team Sonder naam

Diamond Dash 50, Cullinan. 20 February 2010