Kyle has almost walked around SA

While Peter van Kets rows across the Atlantic, Kaalvoet Jaco is heading into the Northern Cape and Ray Chaplin inches closer to Kimberley, walking and towing a trailer, Kyle Meenehan (23) is nearing the end of his journey walking around South Africa. Kyle has been walking (around SA’s perimeter) since May 2009.

Kyle was the recipient of Mountain Club of South Africa’s 2009 ‘Supertramp Award’, an annual cash prize given to young people planning expeditions or trips of interest. The sponsorship has made Kyle’s walk possible, covering the bulk of his food and accommodation costs. The Award is funded by an anonymous donor. 

Kyle started walking from Cape Town in May last year, making his way clockwise around the country. In December, passing through the Transkei, he cut his foot while crossing a river. So, he took some time off walking to spend time with friends and let his foot heal. He began walking again from Coffee Bay earlier this month. Kyle recently passed through East London.

He did start walking with a trailer but he ditched it along the Botswana border. He carries a backpack.

Kyle writes a couple of posts on his blog ( each month; January’s postings make good reading. He’s on the home stretch now, after covering almost 5,000km (1,000km to go!). Earlier this month Kyle was interviewed by The Herald – you can listen to the podcast online.

Thanks to Darrell for the updates on Kyle. Image from The Herald.