There’s a guy, Jaco Swart, who is walking around South Africa, kaalvoet. Ja, without shoes. He started his adventure in January 2009 and, just before xmas, had covered 4000km.
Jaco was one of the guides on that awful blackwater tubing accident on the Storms River… must have been in early 2000… Of the 14 clients, only one survived, making the total number of survivors five, including Jaco and three other guides. His left knee was shattered and he spent 27 hours clinging to a log, wedged in a crack in the rockface, waiting for rescue. This walk is, for him, a personal thank you for his survival and injury recovery.
His website is and the blog on his progress is
Looking at some of the pics in his most recent photo gallery, he has got really good looking feet. And, I’m sure that not wearing socks and shoes means no blisters… I’d be keen to find out from him about this. I saw a photo where he has those devil thorns in his soles, but his soles must be thick and tough as leather after 11 months of walking kaalvoet. And, going with the whole ‘barefoot running/walking’ principle, I’d guess that he hasn’t got any knee problems either. Mmm.. I’ll drop him a note to find out.
Thanks to Fred for this one.