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Selecting races

December 20, 2009 AdventureLisa 0

Events are no longer few and far between. On any given weekend there are many adventure races to choose from – and even more events once you include the separate sporting disciplines that are incorporated into adventure races like paddling, running, mountain biking and orienteering.

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Pack it up!

December 20, 2009 AdventureLisa 0

Adventure racers are notorius for scrabbling in their backpacks as they pull everything out to locate a single item of gear – and commenting, “I’m sure it is in here somewhere!”

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Refine your race to save time

December 20, 2009 AdventureLisa 1

The first distance event of the year, the ‘UGE Salomon 150/220 in Harrismith at the end of January, was revealing. Post-race a novice team commented how “we’re not quite ready for anything longer than 100 km” and that they thought they should be sticking to sprint races.

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Novice Plan

December 20, 2009 AdventureLisa 0

Comrades champ Bruce Fordyce and actor David Vlok recently took part in Southern Africa’s most gruelling 200km adventure race, Swazi Xtreme. Lucky for them, neither had to do much in the way of planning and preparation for this event, with the exception of assembling specified items of clothing and equipment.

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Getting started

December 20, 2009 AdventureLisa 0

In reading this, you’ve taken your first leap into the realm of adventure racing and are no doubt asking the following questions… Where do I start? How do I get involved? How do I find a team? First, take a look at the AR calendar. Squizz through the coming events and select an event suitable to your fitness level.

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Adventure Racing

December 20, 2009 AdventureLisa 0

While multi-sport races had been in existence for over 30 years, it was only in the early 80’s that multi-day, multi-discipline competitions evolved. It is no surprise that adventure racing, an infant sport, matured in New Zealand, a country well known for its adventure activities and mountainous, rugged terrain.

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Adventure Venture

December 20, 2009 AdventureLisa 0

You’ve seen it on tv – popularised by the dramatic Eco Challenge shows. You’ve been reading the adventure racing calendar comment and listings in Runner’s World. Procrastinate no longer. Welcome to the realm of adventure racing, a dynamic multi-discipline off-road sport.