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McCain in Malaysia

December 11, 2009 AdventureLisa 0

McCain Adventure Addicts went over to Perak Amanjaya International Eco Adventure in Malaysia in early December, racing in two pairs. Their news stories and photos from […]

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Rowing across the Atlantic, solo!

December 1, 2009 AdventureLisa 1

South African Peter van Kets is about to begin rowing across the Atlantic, solo. He won the Woodvale Challenge two years ago, with Bill Godfrey. He’s now aiming to do it solo and going for the record. The race starts Sunday, 6 December 2009

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A week of walking

November 16, 2009 AdventureLisa 0

Ray Chaplin is now a week into his ‘Walking the line’ expedition, where he is walking from Cape Town to Beit Bridge following the railway line. His journey started on Sunday, 8 November 2009. His first week has not been without its share of excitement…

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ARWC: Cyanosis finishes 22nd

November 15, 2009 AdventureLisa 0

The team finished strongly at about 9h15 yesterday. The last section was along the beach and everyone was sleep walking. They finished in 22nd place. There was clearly some tough competition. The final results are now on the website.

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On adventurers and explorers

November 9, 2009 AdventureLisa 0

I have given much thought to adventures and explorers the past few months; it is tied in with a project that I’m working on, but it is also a personal interest thing. I have long had a near-obssession with adventurers – of days gone by and modern; my bookcase bears witness to my fascination with polar expeditions and seafaring explorers.