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Training programme for AR?

September 26, 2011 AdventureLisa 2

Q: A mate and I are starting out adventure racing and loving it. We are however very uninformed and I would like to know if there is any websites or places I can go to to find a proper training programme.

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On buying trail shoes

June 24, 2011 AdventureLisa 0

As I prepare to take my mom, Liz, to buy her first pair of trail shoes, I thought I’d revisit this most frequently asked question – about buying trail shoes. Is there a ‘best shoe’? What should I look for? Where can I go to look for them?

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Finding Mr Right

June 19, 2011 AdventureLisa 2

We are now two women in our team. We’re new to this and we’re not fast really but we do enjoy racing. We’d like to find a guy to join our team but how do we find a man, or two, who is not so competitive that we frustrate him, or that he’ll try to be the alpha dog and will frustrate us by trying to push us harder and faster.

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Swimming in AR

July 19, 2010 AdventureLisa 0

Although adventure racing is a multidiscipine sport, swimming is rarely included; well, not a swim of any significant distance. Sure, you see adventure racers in YouTube videos swimming – but they’re probably swimming less than 200m – with their backpacks – to cross a small dam or river.