Draw a picture in October

Via a tweet from adventurer Alastair Humphreys I’ve learned about a UK-based campaign called The Big Draw. Their aim is “to raise the profile of drawing as a tool for thought, creativity, social and cultural engagement. The Campaign has created a new regard for the value of drawing to help people see, think, invent and take action”.

Another organisation, Cycle Your Heart Out, has joined the Campaign by encouraging cyclists to draw a picture of something that they see while out cycling.

I’d like to throw this out to you too: to draw something that you see while out on a run/ride during October and to email it through to me to put up here.

The easiest is probably to take a photograph of something that you like when you’re out on a run or ride and then to draw this later at home. Or, if you’re up for it, take some paper and a pencil out with you to draw the scene in situ. It is quite remarkable what you can draw if you focus on it for an hour or so.

You can draw – even if you think you can’t.

A quote on the website from Gerard Scafe (Patron of the Campaign and most famous for his animation for Pink Floyd, political cartoon work, and more recently, Walt Disney’s Hercules) reads, “At 8 or 9 years old we become self-conscious and give up, which is sad as drawing is very therapeutic. Just start by picking up a pen and making a pattern“.

He’s so right! There’s a spot of creativity hiding out in even the most ‘un-creative’ person (we usually judge ourselves to be un-creative!). And with drawing there’s no right or wrong. It’s just a picture – your interpretation thereof. Sure, with practice your ability to more accurately depict an object will improve, but you’ve got to start somewhere.

The challenge is to put pen to paper at some stage between now and 31 October and to draw something that catches your eye. You can keep it simple in just pen or pencil or throw in some colour. Although there are drawing programs on tablets and computer, rather keep to paper for this challenge.

Once you’re done (any time in the month), email your drawing to me – lisa@ar.co.za. I’ll add your drawing to this page.

How does The Big Draw determine whether their Campaign has been successful? When the words ‘I can’t draw’ are dropped from our vocabulary.