Metrogaine Jo’burg

Yes! Another Metrogaine Jo’burg. This third event will take you through the leafy and interesting suburbs of Norwood and Houghton in central Johannesburg.

Date: Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Time: starts from 18h30

Enter a two-person (pair) team. You will receive a full-colour A3 street map on which checkpoints (also called controls) are marked. A cluesheet will guide you to the control locations. You will have a limited time (one hour or 90-minutes) to walk, jog or run to as many controls as possible. You set you own pace and choose your own route.

The map is a regular street map BUT, street names and identifying features have been removed. Only basic navigation is needed to locate checkpoints using the clues provided. Yes, even teens could handle this on their own. Compass skills are not required.

Controls are assigned a points value. Those that are closer to the start have a lower points allocation than those further away. Yes, you do have to work harder for checkpoints with lots of points. Your ultimate objective is to get the most number of points, not necessarily to visit the most number of physical controls…

The most important consideration is that you are ‘home’ before your time is up. You will be penalised (heavily!) for each minute that you are late.

Date: Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Venue: Open parking area, William Road, Norwood
Registration: from 17h15 to 18h15

Registration, start and finish from the open parking area on the northern side of William Road, near the corner with Grant Avenue (opposite the Spar). Note that coming off Grant Avenue, William Road is a one way from East to West. Ivy Road changes name further West to the more well-known name, 11th Avenue.

Post-race social, drinks and food at NextDoor on Grant Avenue (less than 100m from the parking area). Pre-order your pizza, pasta or burger before the start so that it will be ready when you finish.


  • 90-minute course starts at 18h30 and course closes at 20h00
  • One-hour course starts at 18h40 and closes at 19h40

Results announcement at 20h30. Winners on each course and in the categories of mixed, men’s and women’s pairs get free entry to the next event; as well as the ‘piggy-in-the-middle’ and ‘most value’ finishers. Customary Metrogaine Cupcakes to everyone at the finish.

[I have taken the decision that Metrogaine Jo’burg will stay affordable, accessible, fun and social and as such I’m not going the route of t-shirts, medals, lucky-draw prizes and such. Aside from giving me more admin (planning these events takes plenty hours already), these bells & whistles increase entry fees exponentially and my feeling is that you’re at this event for a good course and a good run, which is what I’m focusing on. The only exceptions are the reflective Metrogaine slapband (saety on the road is all important) and the traditional Metrogaine Cupcake.]

Entry format: Two-person team (pair)

Courses: One hour or 90-minutes

Entry fee: R90 per pair (that’s only R45pp). All entrants receive a reflective Metrogaine slapband at registration.

Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.


Entry closes at 10h00 on Monday, 10 October 2011.



  • A reflective slapband will be given to each participants. The more the merrier – so please bring reflective bibs/belts too
  • Road running shoes are perfect: the course is run on roads, so trail shoes are not necessary
  • Pen / koki pen / highlighter: for ticking correct answers when you find each location
  • Bring a headlamp: street lights do not illuminate all of the roads and you’ll need it to read your map anyway
  • Water bottle/hydration: water is not provided on the route (petrol stations will be marked on the map – you can drink from taps there)
  • Cell phone: please run with a cell phone. Lisa’s telephone number is on the map so that you can phone for assistance in the event of injury.


This event is held in a suburb and as such you’ll be walking and running on roads and pavements. Always keep to the right-hand side of the road, facing oncoming traffic. Due to the nature of this event, the route and traffic is not controlled. You are responsible for your own safety out there. Although the control locations aim to limit you to quiet suburb roads with little vehicular traffic, you may have to cross a busier road. This is why it is very important for you to wear reflective items so that you are visible; and that you are cautious when crossing any road. You also need to be alert to the usual dangers like missing drain covers and uneven paving. Although specific dangers like missing drain covers will be marked on your map, note that we may not find every single one during scouting.

ENQUIRIES: Lisa, 082 936-2509,

“Thanks for organising the rogaine on Tuesday; it was definitely the most exciting road run I’ve ever done. I’ll definitely be at the next one.” – Andrew, participant in the April Metrogaine

“Just a word of thanks for last Tuesday’s event. It was indeed a highlight in my year! So much fun!” – Ilsa, participant in the Winter Metrogaine

“My first metrogaine… Oh my word, who knew it could be so much FUN! We so really enjoyed it. All in the dark in the middle of winter!?!” – Zurika, participant in the Winter Metrogaine

Read the report from the April Metrogaine

Read a report from the Winter Metrogaine (21 June 2011)

Wednesday, 11 April 2012 (’s 11th birthday celebration!)
Thursday, 21 June 2012 (deepest, darkest day of winter – winter solstice)